Highly individualized break rooms
The scalable micro-market solution can be built to fit nearly any size space or employee count.

Trendy fresh food options
Each micro-market is customized with an assortment of grab and go food entrees and food snacks.

Advanced payment systems
Employees checkout using a modern touchscreen and secure cashless payment technology.
Micro-markets for ALL size businesses
Many micro-market service providers will only provide micro-markets for large Tampa businesses. Millennium Refreshment Services is different. We have flexible micro-market solutions to ensure everyone can enjoy a micro-market, from the small growing company to the large multi-location corporation.
Micro-markets for ALL size businesses
Pay by phone
The latest payment technology in micro-markets allows purchases with mobile wallets and apps.
Access 24 hours
Micro-markets are a mini store that never closes making it easy for employees to always find refreshments.
Smart inventory
Every scanned product is counted, creating an automatic replenish list of what needs to be restocked.
Secure solution
From the fully sealed self-checkout kiosk to encrypted transaction processes, micro-markets are secure.

Expert break room solutions
Let our experienced staff customize the micro-market or other break room solution right for your Tampa area business.

Outdo the Tampa competition with a high quality micro-market from Millennium Refreshment Services at 813-882-4300; info@millenniumrefreshmentservices.com.